
Steps to installing PBX in a Flash in PV mode on Xen

  1. Grab the initrd and vmlinuz from
  2. Copy into a new file called ks.cfg; modify the top portion so the url reads Make any other modifications you like to this top section.
  3. Copy ks.cfg to a web server
  4. Create disks and configuration for a new PV guest as normal. Specify extra="ks=http://web_server/ks.cfg" and on_reboot="destroy"; use the kernel and ramdisk you downloaded earlier
  5. Create the guest and attach to the console. It will ask a couple questions before it begins installation. (You can prevent this by specifying lang, timezone and rootpw in ks.cfg Kickstart Options
  6. When it's finished the guest will be destroyed
  7. Remove the kernel, ramdisk, extra and on_reboot configuration options
  8. Add pygrub as the bootloader (something like: bootloader="/usr/lib/xen-default/bin/pygrub")
  9. Create the guest again and connect to the console
  10. Grab the following rpms from the PBX in a Flash disk and install them:
    • nas
    • jack-audio-connection-kit
    • php-pear-db
    • flite
    • flite-devel
    • piaf
    • piafxtras
  11. Do the following from the %post section of the PBX in a Flash CD's ks.cfg:
    1. mkdir -p /etc/pbx
    2. date –iso-8601=minutes > /etc/pbx/install-date
    3. echo "" > /etc/pbx/ISO-Version
    4. echo "CD ks" > /etc/pbx/install-method
    5. echo "/usr/local/sbin/piafdl" >> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99local
    6. cp -f /usr/src/piafxtras/preinstallmenu/piafxtras-menu /usr/local/sbin/piafxtras-menu
    7. chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/piafxtras-menu
    8. cat /usr/src/piafxtras/preinstallmenu/motd.tmp >/etc/motd
  12. Reboot again, this time the PBX in a Flash installation process should start.