PBX in a Flash on Xen
Steps to installing PBX in a Flash in PV mode on Xen
- Grab the initrd and vmlinuz from http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/os/i386/images/xen/
- Copy http://pastie.org/private/mxc4iityniivlyp0v73ua into a new file called ks.cfg; modify the top portion so the url reads http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/os/i386 Make any other modifications you like to this top section.
- Copy ks.cfg to a web server
- Create disks and configuration for a new PV guest as normal. Specify extra="ks=http://web_server/ks.cfg" and on_reboot="destroy"; use the kernel and ramdisk you downloaded earlier
- Create the guest and attach to the console. It will ask a couple questions before it begins installation. (You can prevent this by specifying lang, timezone and rootpw in ks.cfg Kickstart Options
- When it's finished the guest will be destroyed
- Remove the kernel, ramdisk, extra and on_reboot configuration options
- Add pygrub as the bootloader (something like: bootloader="/usr/lib/xen-default/bin/pygrub")
- Create the guest again and connect to the console
- Grab the following rpms from the PBX in a Flash disk and install them:
- nas
- jack-audio-connection-kit
- php-pear-db
- flite
- flite-devel
- piaf
- piafxtras
- Do the following from the %post section of the PBX in a Flash CD's ks.cfg:
- mkdir -p /etc/pbx
- date –iso-8601=minutes > /etc/pbx/install-date
- echo "" > /etc/pbx/ISO-Version
- echo "CD ks" > /etc/pbx/install-method
- echo "/usr/local/sbin/piafdl" >> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99local
- cp -f /usr/src/piafxtras/preinstallmenu/piafxtras-menu /usr/local/sbin/piafxtras-menu
- chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/piafxtras-menu
- cat /usr/src/piafxtras/preinstallmenu/motd.tmp >/etc/motd
- Reboot again, this time the PBX in a Flash installation process should start.
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